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CMS v. Argentina

Type of decisionDecision of the tribunal on objections to jurisdiction
Date of decision17 July 2003
Francisco Orrego Vicuña (President)
Francisco Rezek
Marc Lalonde
Legal instrumentBIT between Argentina and USA (1991)
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Statements from this decision

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State responsibility can also be based on an act of the judiciary
Minority shareholdings can constitute investments
All shares are protected, regardless of their origin
A mere governmental policy does not constitute a measure per se
A fork in the road clause precludes admissibility only if the dispute brought to local courts concerns the same obligation as before the tribunal
An exclusive choice of forum clause in a contract cannot bar a tribunal from examining treaty based claims
The distinction between jurisdiction and admissibility is not appropriate in the context of the ICSID Convention
Assumed consequences by a tribunal's decision, such as a discrimination of nationals not having rights under an IIT or multiple claims by investors of different nationalities under separate IITs, do not preclude the admissibility of a claim
A state cannot rely on the Barcelona Traction case to question the jus standi of a shareholder in an investor-state arbitration
A shareholder can bring a claim, even if he or she does not control the company or does not own a majority of its shares
A mere governmental policy does not constitute a measure per se
The deciding factors whether a tribunal is seized with one or more disputes are the claim's subject-matter, the scope of consent of the parties and the tribunal's jurisdiction
A dispute over measures violating the rights of a domestic company constitutes a dispute arising directly out of an investment even if the claimant is a shareholder of that company and the investment in question are his or her shares
Although a tribunal does not have jurisdiction over measures of general state policy, it has jurisdiction to examine specific measures of that policy if they have a direct bearing on the investment
A state cannot rely on the Barcelona Traction case to question the jus standi of a shareholder in an investor-state arbitration
While Article 42 ICSID Convention generally applies to the merits, the parties can agree to a different choice of law applicable to jurisdictional questions
The deciding factors whether a tribunal is seized with one or more disputes are the claim's subject-matter, the scope of consent of the parties and the tribunal's jurisdiction
Ancillary claims neither require a new request for arbitration, nor a new six-month period for consultation or negotiation
The deciding factors whether a tribunal is seized with one or more disputes are the claim's subject-matter, the scope of consent of the parties and the tribunal's jurisdiction


Above you will find 15 statement(s) from this decision. Please note that when viewing the statements in their context, the same statement may appear multiple times if it is relevant for more than one topic. Did we miss something? Feel free to send us your suggestions!